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Is Your Skin Oily Or Combination?

Learn how to tell the difference between oily and combination skin type and treat it

Would you be surprised if you learned that the most common skin type among us is combination skin?

While oily skin is overproduction of natural oil or sebum causing it to be shiny, greasy that leads to clogged pores and acne, many people often experience combination skin is a mix of oily and dry skin that leads to dry flaking skin on the cheeks, with excess oil and shine on other areas of their face.

Whether you have oily or combination skin, just like other skin types, there’s often more than one factor at play. So we’ve broke it down along with our recommendations to help you quickly assess and learn how to treat oily or combination skin.

Entire Face vs T-zone

The best way to tell the difference between oily skin and combination skin is to check to see if you have excess oily all over your face or just in the T-zone areas which is your forehead, nose and chin.

Genetics, hormones and environmental conditions are common factors for both skin types.

However oily skin is characterized by large pores, usually appears shiny or feels slick to the touch, mostly gets oilier after you wake up in the morning and throughout the day.

Oily skin type

Whereas combination skin is characterized by more sebaceous activity in specific areas and less in others.

These glands can vary in size and produce excess sebum in areas on the forehead, nose and chin (T-zone), easily congesting them, while your cheeks and eye area can be normal or dry depending on the weather and seasons - oilier in the summer and dry in the winter.

Combination skin type showing T-zone areas which are the forehead, nose and chin

Skincare Routine For Oily Skin

Oily skin needs skincare products that can control excess oil and keep your pores clear of sebum and debris.

We recommend the following skincare products for your oily skin regimen:

Cleanser Toner
Serum Mask
Moisturizer Tinted SPF

Skincare Routine For Combination Skin

With combination skin it's sometimes best to treat different areas of the skin with different skincare products, since these products need to help with balancing and hydrating your skin, while being able to tackle dryness without affecting the oily areas of your skin.

We recommend the following skincare products for your combination skin regimen:

Cleanser Toner
Serum Booster
Moisturizer Non-Tinted SPF

Are you struggling with oily or combination skin? Skin Devotee Facial Studio offers tailored facials and products to tackle your concerns and help you get glowing. Book a facial today!

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